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 Recommended Trumpets For Beginners 

Trumpet Teacher, Trumpet Lessons

You will need a Bb trumpet or cornet to start trumpet lessons. In my opinion the best brand new beginner trumpet is the Yamaha 2330. Though these instruments cost about £350 they play almost as well as some other trumpets that cost £1000+ and come with th aproval of most trumpet teachers. You could do your grade 8 on one of these but you would probably want to upgrade to a better trumpet at about grade 6 standard. The Yamaha 2330 comes in either laquer or silverplate. The silverplate is slighty more expensive than the laquer but it can offer more durabilty and can help to add brightness to the sound. Having said that some people prefer laquered instruments. On More of a budget I quite like the Bach 100T which costs about £150. This is a decent trumpet which made and designed by the most famous trumpet maker. This trumpet would quite happily take you to garde 5 and beyond but you would probably want to upgrade at this point. For a step up instrument I would look at the intermediate yamaha models 4335 and 5335 or, in particular, the Schagerl 610L or 620L which are amazing value for money.

The best bargains can be found secondhand and you could expect to buy something that plays well enough for under £100. They are too many brands to mention but Bach,Elkhart, Jupiter, Yamaha, Besson, Boosey and Hawkes tend to fair well. You probably want to ask a friend or a trumpet teacher to check it out for you to make sure it is in working condition. I am, however, trained in brass repair and will be able to get most trumpets playing to a good standard for your first trumpet lessons.

 Recommended Mouthpieces For Beginners 

Trumpet Mouthpieces, Trumpet Tutor

The mouthpiece makes a big difference to the way a trumpet plays. Most trumpets will come with a generic 7C size wich will mostly be fine for beginners. It is important to keep the mouthpiece clean with a pipe cleaner or mouthpiece brush because any dirt in the bore and throat of the mouthpiece can impare it's performance. I would reccomend the Bach 7C as my favorite beginner mouthpiece and the Yamaha 11B4 and Denis Wick 4 are also good. As a player progresses most trumpeters will want to play on a bigger mouthpiece to help them produce a fuller sound. The Bach 3C and Yamaha 14B4 are very popular choices and will work for most players. I have a draw of about 30 mouthpieces that pupils can try during a trumpet lesson.

 What I play 

Bach43LRS Bb Trumpet

Bach 37s Bb Trumpet

Bach 239s C Trumpet

Yamaha 6610s Eb/D Trumpet

Besson Soveriegn Bb Cornet

Bach 1 1/2C Large Letter             Classical/General Playing

Yamaha 14B4                                Classical/Light music good for Eb/D Trumpet

Gr 65S                                             Pop and Jazz

Yamaha Bobby Shew Lead          For very high big band

Dennis Wick 3B                             Traditional Brass Band Cornet

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